Bee raising - and environment-friendly production of honeys : flower blossom, lavender (S Ardèche), acacia and linden blossom (N Ardèche), sweet chestnut (Ardèche Cévennes), mountain (Coiron and Ardèche plateau).
Learn more-
- Bourg Nicolas
- 1682, Route de Paurières
- Couijanet
- 07220
- Viviers
- website Go to the website
- Phone 0475974555
- Mail Write us
From 22/11/2022 to 31/12/2023
Opening hours on Tuesday and Thursday between 4.30 pm and 6.30 pm. On Saturday between 9 am and 12 pm.
Sale from the farm by appointment all year round. Available from Les Délices de la Roubine bakery in Viviers and at the fruit and veg stand on the road side before the Châteauneuf du Rhône bridge. Also for sale at the épicerie in St Vincent de Gras.