" If you are going to try out canoeing just once in your lifetime, it’s here in the Ardèche Gorges that you must do it!

Canoeing down the Ardèche Gorges

Going down the Ardèche Gorges in a canoe will definitely be the highlight of your holiday in the Ardèche! Canoeing is much more than just a sports activity, in the Ardèche Gorges, it’s a real experience in the great outdoors. Get back to basics for a real getaway at the heart of the spectacular natural environment.

Just imagine… A wild and deep canyon, 30 km long. Sheer and steep cliffs. The river glistening in the rays of the sun. Feel the heat on your skin. The scents of the garrigue. The quick flight of the dipper, the Kingfisher as quick as lightning and the twirling Bonelli’s eagle up above. Total calm and serenity. The silence will be broken only by the swooshing of your oars on the water, the splashing water up against your canoe, and the cicadas. This experience will stir up emotions and give you a feeling of pure fulfilment. Here, right at that moment, in the Ardèche Gorges, the expression “getting back to nature” will take on a whole new meaning…

Canoë Gorges de l'Ardèche ©Matthieu Dupont
" And of course, don’t forget to look around you, it’s really beautiful.

How long ?

It’s possible to go down the Ardèche Gorges in one day (around 7hrs of rowing). But if you really want to take your time and enjoy your surroundings, we recommend you spread the adventure over 2 days, and spend the night in a natural reserve.

Take your time. Row at your own pace. Glide slowly across the calm waters, and more vigorously down the rapids. Why not lie down for an afternoon nap in the shade of an oak tree. Stop off for a dip in the water on a small intimate beach. Have a picnic facing the cliffs.


Gorges de l'Ardèche ©Marina Geray (2)

So that everyone can take advantage of this unspoilt natural environment, wild camping is forbidden in the Natural Reserve. The only option for an overnight stay is a bivouac campground (campsite) on the banks of the river. Don’t forget to bring your own provisions though as there are no restaurants or supermarkets in the Ardèche Gorges!

Sleep under the stars in your sleeping bag, in your own tent or a Marabout tent (military tent to share with wooden flooring), the choice is yours for this magical night in the great outdoors! But make sure you book your camping accommodation before anything else, even before hiring your canoe!

Bivouaquer dans une réserve naturelle ©Matthieu Dupont

Practical information

To descend the Gorges de l’Ardèche by canoe, you don’t need to be an expert. You must be at least 7 years old and know how to swim. Good physical condition is of course preferable to cover the 24 or 32 km of river between Vallon Pont d´Arc and St Martin d´Ardèche.

You can descend the Gorges de l’Ardèche on your own, by renting your canoe from one of our partners, or accompanied, with a qualified instructor.

With our all-inclusive packages, we take care of everything: canoe rental, booking your night in a bivouac, return transport. 2 possibilities: on your own or with a nature guide from the Gorges de l’Ardèche!