A typical village in the southern Ardèche, Saint-Maurice d’Ardèche is situated in the heart of a wine-growing area close to the River Ardèche.

The village and its Romanesque church

With its narrow streets, vaulted passageways and Romanesque church, Saint-Maurice d’Ardèche has all the hallmarks of a southern Ardèche village. The village square offers panoramic views over the wine-growing area and the Balazuc cliffs overlooking the River Ardèche.

Historical anecdote: in 1846 the commune of Saint Maurice Terlin was separated into two communes at the bridge over the Ardèche: Saint Maurice d’Ardèche on the left bank and Lanas on the right bank.

Eglise romane St Maurice dArdèche ©Sébastien Gayet

Chaussy walk

This easy 4.6km loop walk starts in Saint-Maurice d’Ardèche and is perfect for all the family.

It takes in the vineyards of the Ardèche hillsides and the old railway line.

A description of this walk can be found in the Pont d’Arc-Ardèche / Gorges de l’Ardèche guidebook (sheet 5).

Vignoble St Maurice Ardèche ©Sébastien Gayet

Favourite: the Via Ardèche cycle path

The Via Ardèche, a safe greenway for cyclists, walkers, rollerbladers and scooters, takes you to Vogüé, its viaduct and castle. It follows the old railway line that linked Le Teil to Alès.

There is a 25km stretch between Vogüé and Grospierres, providing safe and easy access to a number of cycling sites from St Maurice d’Ardèche: Cirque de Gens, Plus Beaux Villages de France de Vogüé et Balazuc, Vieux village de Ruoms …

Via Ardèche à vélo ©Matthieu Dupont