Canoeing from Châmes to St Martin d'Ardèche - 24 km / 1 day with Alpha Bateaux

Canoeing from Châmes to St Martin d'Ardèche - 24 km / 1 day with Alpha Bateaux


For lovers of the great outdoors who want to discover the Gorges de l'Ardèche nature reserve. A day in the heart of the canyon, far from civilization, in the midst of one of the richest and most varied ecosystems.

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Departure times: 8.30am to 10am
Return shuttles: between 4 and 5 p.m. on Sauze beach

Sailing conditions:
- Over 7 years of age
- Be able to swim at least 25 meters
- Know how to submerge
- Be in good physical condition
- Wear a buoyancy aid provided by us
- Wear and keep closed shoes during your canoe trip

For all routes:
Meet at our base in Vallon Pont d'Arc, where you can leave your vehicle in our free private parking lot.
On arrival, you will be welcomed, advised and equipped by our team before the start of your canoe trip.
An Alpha Bateaux shuttle will take you to your chosen departure point, where you'll board your canoe.
On arrival, our shuttles will pick you up at the return time set when you registered, and take you back to our base, to your vehicle.

Don't forget to bring
- Sportswear recommended (swimsuits, T-shirts, closed-toe shoes),
- Food and drinks for the day's activities.
- Depending on the weather, don't forget sun protection (sun creams, corded glasses, hats, etc.), sweatshirts, windbreakers and a change of clothes.
- For multi-day tours, pack all camping gear (sleeping bag, tent, food, drinks, flashlight, etc.).
