Bourg-Saint-Andéol, town in the Ardèche with the most protected buildings. It is a city of living history. Nice private mansions are to be seen.

The bishop’s palace

After 17 years of restoration work, the jewel comes through

The extent of the work is particularly huge. The volunteers are involved, motivated by ambitious and enthousiastic owners. They give a new life to this wonderful monument. Candlelight tour, festival of classical music, meals in the 15th century style, creation of a museum, a lot of exhibitions… A wide range of activities of high quality to restore the prestige of this place. Each year, new treasures are discovered and more rooms are renovated with quality materials by specialised craftsmen.

The 101 rooms’palace is regaining its past glory.

palais des eveques ©Jessy-shaertsaert


  • Hôtel Doize : a model of patrimonial respect on the initiative of individuals.

If you look at the amazing facade realized in the 18th century by the famous architect Franque from Avignon, it was so well restored that it seems that the faces come from the stone. The classified parts and the private museum of lace, embroidery and ancient textiles is open to the visit for small groups on reservation.

  • Hôtel de Digoine : between origins and originality

Mansion of a silk-trader from the 18th century, this guest house is decorated on the theme of the Silk Road. Each room represents a stage, each one offering a particular atmosphere.

  • Hôtel Bonot de Villevrain : a paradise for  “Street angels”

This new association enhances the know-how of homeless persons. The house has come back to life for several months and has a lot of projects.

La Cascade (circus and street arts)

In Bourg-St-Andéol , there are other heritage buildings well restored and full of life ! The national centre of training and cultural diffusion is a perfect example. Events, exhibitions…The artists have invested this former Franciscan convent from the 19th century, which used to be a boys boarding school during a long time.


Le Vallon de Tourne

Visitors enjoy the Tourne Valley  for its gardens where heritage treasures have been restored. It is all the more interesting to contemplate the two springs, the big wash house or the bas-relief of the God Mithra.

Bourg-St-Andéol offers a wide variety of monuments which are waiting to be renovated. It is hoped that it will be done in the next years.
