Université du Vin

Université du Vin


Created in 1978, the Université du Vin - University of Wine is a professional training center dedicated to the wine and vine professions, based at the Château de Suze-la-Rousse.

Learn more
  • Address
    • Le Château
    • 26790
    • Suze-la-Rousse
  • website Facebook
  • Phone 04 75 97 21 30
  • Vignoble et découverte
  • Opening

equipment & services

view equipment & services
  • Car park
  • Defibrillator
  • Meeting room
  • Free car park
  • Bicycle parking
  • Guided tours

Every year, the Université du Vin offers over a hundred training courses on every theme and for every profession, from vine to glass to cellar.
Viticulture, enology, marketing, wine tourism, sommellerie, regulations, tasting...

Long courses (from one month to one year), or short courses (from half a day to 5 days): the University offers sessions for professionals wishing to deepen their knowledge, for people undergoing professional retraining, and also for all wine-lovers wishing to learn how to taste the wines of France, the Rhône Valley or other regions, discover food and wine pairings, or sharpen their taste buds on mythical wines etc.
We also offer training in beer and spirits tasting.

L'Université du Vin also offers training courses and workshops for professionals and wine lovers in Lyon: half-day or full-day courses on wine tasting, vineyard knowledge, and tours to highlight Lyon's gastronomic and historical heritage.

To find out more, follow this link: https://universite-du-vin.com/categorie-produit/ateliers-oenologie/

In addition to Suze and Lyon, wine tasting courses are also offered in Paris, Bordeaux, Aix-en-Provence and Avignon.