The Via Ardèche: cycle in complete safety

A 22 km route between Vogüé and Grospierres has been set up along the former railway tracks, so that it is possible to cycle in complete safety. This route is called the Via Ardèche, and it really is great to be able to cycle here as a family with your children, with no danger whatsoever. A small but essential detail is that it is completely flat!

We love to leave the car at the car park and then set off by bicycle to explore the most beautiful spots in the area!

For example, if you leave from Vogüé, after just 1 hour of cycling you can stop for a picnic and a dip in the water at the Cirque de Gens in Chauzon, or eat an ice cream in the pretty village of Balazuc.

And you’ll have the opportunity to cross over viaducts with amazing views!

Here in Vogüé for example. It’s amazing isn’t it!

Via Ardèche à vélo ©Matthieu Dupont

Map of the Via Ardèche Cycling Route

Via Ardèche 2023
Via Ardèche Vogüé - copyrightm-geray-3

An easy-going route towards Vallon-Pont-d’Arc

For the more courageous among you, it’s also possible to get to Vallon-Pont-d’Arc by leaving the Via Ardèche in Ruoms, and following another pretty easy-going route (well… including two sections with slopes of 10 and 12% but still…) This 10 km itinerary between Ruoms and Vallon-Pont-d’Arc gives cyclists an alternative to the RD 579 which can be very crowded in July and August. Remember to check your brakes (and your calf muscles!) before setting off.

  • Via Ardèche à vélo ©Matthieu Dupont
  • Via Ardèche Vogüé - copyrightm-geray-3
  • Via Ardèche à vélo ©Matthieu Dupont