Entre Vignes et Vallons

Entre Vignes et Vallons

  • Distance 54km
  • Maximum altitude 340m
  • Altitude minimum not disclosed
  • Walk 04h00
  • Positive elevation gain 850m
  • Negative elevation gain 850m
  • Commune de départ Saint-Montan


A striking contrast between the two characterful villages of Saint-Montan, with its warm stones, and Alba-La-Romaine, with its black stones. Between vineyards and lavender fields, discover the magnificent, bucolic Nègue valley.

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  • Address
    • Ardèche Tourisme
    • 25 place Olivier de Serres
    • 07220
    • Saint-Montan
  • Opening


From the characterful village of Saint-Montan, head up the Sainte-Beaume gorges: the hermit's cave is tucked into the limestone cliffs on the right.
Pass through the small village of Larnas, then through the lavender, vineyards and almond groves of the Laoul plateau. At the small pass, admire the Dent de Rez (meaning “sawtooth” in Occitan, and the highest point in southern Ardèche).

Descend into the Nègue valley via the pretty hamlet of Haute Valgayette. Past fields of iris in bloom in May, continue on to the village of Saint-Thomé perched on its rocky outcrop. Climb gently up the Dardaillon valley to the village of Valvignères (from the Latin Vallis vinaria: the valley of the vine). Then on to Alba-la-Romaine, a village of character worth visiting, not forgetting the La Roche district, the ancient site and the Museum.

Return to Valvignères, then rest at Mas d'Intras and cross the small Col de la Fare. Follow the Mure stream in its charming valley, then climb up to Gras: a beautiful stone village. Don't miss the view from the cemetery and chapel. From Nègue, climb back up to the Laoul plateau via the hamlet of Fontfreyde. Visit the Romanesque church of Larnas before descending to Saint-Montan via the Eylieux valley.
Stroll through the medieval village and take advantage of the VAE service area under the plane trees.
You can start from any of the 6 villages, where you'll find 2 VAE recharging stations, benches, bike racks and an information panel.