ViaRhôna Ardèche

ViaRhôna Ardèche


ViaRhôna links Lake Geneva to the Mediterranean Sea by following the Rhône River for 815km. For 181km, it borders the Ardèche, alternating between right and left banks.

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  • Address
    • Ardèche Tourisme
    • Quai Jules Roche
    • 07340
    • Serrières
  • Opening


A veritable Ariadne's thread, the ViaRhôna is an invitation to discover the rich and varied heritage bequeathed to us by the civilizations that have succeeded one another along the Rhône.

We invite you to discover the historic cities of Tournon, La Voulte-sur-Rhône, Viviers and Bourg-Saint-Andéol, the characterful villages of Beauchastel, Rochemaure and Saint-Montan, the Romanesque jewels of Vion and Cruas, and the caves of Soyons. And let's not forget all the hillside vineyards that shape the Rhône Valley, with the evocative names of Condrieu, Saint-Joseph, Cornas and Saint-Péray.

It's also an opportunity to take in some exceptional engineering structures, such as the first historic suspension bridges in northern Ardèche, or the two Himalayan footbridges created for the ViaRhôna, reusing the piers of the 280m-long Vieux Pont at Rochemaure.

In Ardèche, ViaRhôna is full of nature. It slaloms between canals, small streams, vineyards and orchards. The ViaRhôna is a veritable backbone for gentle travel, linking up with other soft paths and irrigating the heart of our valleys. With the Voie Bleue, the Dolce Via, the voie douce de la Payre and, very soon, the Via Fluvia, there are so many new ways to discover and enjoy the region.

On your bikes!