A unique experience

2 days hiking in the heart of one of Europe’s most beautiful canyons! You’ll be walking in an exceptional setting beside the river, or on a ledge, surrounded by sheer cliffs. Excitement guaranteed!

=> 24 km

=> 2 days

=> Sporty level (a good level of fitness is required!)

Randonnée dans les Gorges de l'Ardèche ©Marina Geray

Starting points

  • Leaving from Vallon Pont d’Arc

In low season: Car park at the exit of Hameau de Châmes, then walk 200 metres to the trailhead at Pont du Tiourre.

In high season: Car park at Chastelas in Vallon-Pont-d’Arc, then take the free shuttle bus to the last stop, Parking Belvédère. Walk 1km to the Pont du Tiourre trailhead.

There is no shuttle bus along the tourist route, so remember to book transport for your return (either another vehicle or a taxi on arrival).

  • Leaving from Saint Martin d’Ardèche :

From Sauze beach

Carte Descente des Gorges de l'Ardèche avec bivouac 795 X 435 px

On the course

2 fords: Check the water level before starting. It should be less than -0.7 m.

Checking the water level

Tips for reading the curve:

-0.50m (read minus 0.50m) , the water level is too high and you cannot cross the fords.

-0.70m (read minus 0.70m) , the maximum level for crossing the river

-0.80m (read minus 0.80m) , you can cross the fords.

+ remember to check the water level at the start in the morning.

Some tricky sections: Ladders and handrails have been installed to help you through the most difficult sections.


Sentier pédestre des Gorges de l'Ardèche @Matthieu Dupont

Where should you spend the night?

Choose to spend the night at the Gournier bivouac: situated half-way along the route, you’ll find it easier to balance your 2 days’ walking: around 5 hours on day 1, then 6 hours on day 2.

Book Gournier bivouac 

It is also possible to sleep at the Gaud bivouac, in which case you will need to get up early to reach St Martin d’Ardèche: you should allow around 3 hours’ walking on day 1, then 8 hours on day 2.

Book Gaud bivouac

Bivouaquer dans une réserve naturelle ©Matthieu Dupont

All-inclusive offer

Hiking / Bivouac Stay :

  • 2 days hiking in the Ardèche Gorges
  • Night in bivouac
  • Transfert en bus inclus

I am booking this holiday



Email : bivouacs@gorges-ardeche-pontdarc.fr – Tel : 0033 (0)4 75 88 00 41